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Author: Luca 3 July 2023, the average global temperature reached 17.01°C. This was the hottest day ever recorded globally according to data from the US National Centres for Environmental Prediction, and an­other wakeup call that we need to accelerate the green transition to fight climate change.In line with the 2015 Paris Agreement’s carbon budget, the European Union has committed to ambitious environmental targets, including sharply slashing greenhouse gas emissions and...

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If the current review of REDIII is to be successful in ensuring that biomass is sourced and used sustainably, it will be important to have realistic and workable proposals so that operationalisation of requirements can be guaranteed.Following its commitment to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, the EU is working tirelessly to respond to the climate crisis which the entire world is facing. In this context, the...

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A new proposal from the European Parliament would declare primary woody biomass to be unsustainable, which would heavily impact the supply of bioenergy and remove the sector’s ability to provide sustainable energy, especially renewable heat this winter.Europe is the continent of climate action: the EU increased its already ambitious goal of cutting greenhouse gas emissions and surpassed its bold renewable targets, securing 22% renewable energy by 2020,...

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Bioenergy is a very versatile and flexible solution that can assist the main challenges of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 with job creation and economic growth. Each additional Mtoe of biomass for energy could lead to an impact of 359 million euros in terms of GDP and an employment creation of 7.376 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE), on average, while preventing 2,4 MtCO2eq emissions due to the replacement...

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