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BRF2024 – 1st Biomass Regional Forum

BRF2024 – 1st Biomass Regional Forum

May 14-16, 2024

Biomass Regional Forum 2024 – #BRF2024

The Regional Biomass Forum ( #BRF2024 ) is a new series of events organized in Greece by the Hellenic Biomass Association ( HellaBiom ) on an annual basis. The purpose of the Forum is to bring businesses, regional and local government, academic and research institutions, agricultural and forestry cooperatives, energy communities, logistics managers, owners-operators of forestry and agricultural machinery, biomass producers, power plant owners and generally all stakeholders of the biomass value chain into direct contact and networking.


The 1st Regional Biomass Forum on “Bioenergy and Sustainable Forest Management” takes place between 14th and 16th May and focuses on the role of forest biomass valorization for the production of bioenergy, wood products, solid biofuels – pellets, biochar and bioeconomy products in order to mitigate the effects of climate change in the forest ecosystems of the country. The Region of Thessaly is chosen as the starting point for this new series of events, due to the fact that it is one of the most productive regions of the country in terms of biomass potential, while at the same time it is severely exposed to the threats of climate change.


The event is organized in collaboration with the Austrian Embassy in Athens , the Commercial Department ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA and the Austrian Biomass Association and consists of a Conference day (Tuesday 14 May 2024) and the Site visits (Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 May 2024).