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7th Central European Biomass Conference (CEBC) 2023

7th Central European Biomass Conference (CEBC) 2023

18 - 20 JANUARY 2023


The Austrian Biomass Association, the Agricultural Chamber of Styria and BEST Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies GmbH are hosting the 7th Central European Biomass Conference (CEBC), in cooperation with the Messe Graz from January 18th to 20th, 2023 in Graz.

The international climate science underlines the necessity of the phasing out of fossil fuels as our primary future aim. Relevant amounts of carbon have to be removed from the atmosphere until the middle of the century. Bioenergy has not only the potential to enable a rapid reduction of our dependence on energy imports, but also to become Europe‘s most important energy source.

Negative emissions with biomass

The 7th Central European Biomass Conference takes the whole process from resource provision up to the end consumer into account. The CEBC 2023 places its special emphasis on the areas of negative emissions, hydrogen, green gas, biochar, advanced biofuels and bioeconomy. Traditio- nally, the conference thoroughly considers the progresses in the area of heat and power generation. The conference offers an extensive overview on the latest political, economic and technological developments, covering topics such as raw material availability, logistics, conversion technologies, integ- ration into the energy system, industrial application, environmental impacts and market developments.

Leading event of the bioenergy sector

The Central European Biomass Conference has been awarded with the Congress Award Graz several times and has maintained its inter- nationally approved reputation consistently. Connecting more than 1,300 participants from over 50 nations, the triennially held confe- rence belongs to the largest bioenergy industry events worldwide. The simultaneously held “Häuslbauer-trade fair”, placing its emphasis on the provision of energy in the building sector, reaching out to approxi- mately 40,000 visitors, offers an excellent addition to the conference. The scientific highlights of the 7th Central European Biomass Confe- rence include workshops of the International Energy Agency and ot- her international bioenergy associations. An extensive program of excursions and presentations by various companies link theo- ry with practice. Furthermore, the CEBC convinces with purpose- ful networking opportunities suitable for various market participants.

Become a part of the 7th Central European Biomass Conference!

Take the chance, become a part of our conference and let us offer you a platform for the presentation of your research results. We ask you to share your knowledge and your projects in the form of a research paper to our international scientific committee. We are looking for- ward to welcoming you at the 7th Central European Biomass Conference!