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Advancing Decarbonisation Solutions: Bioenergy Europe at Argus Carbon Conference

Advancing Decarbonisation Solutions: Bioenergy Europe at Argus Carbon Conference

Advancing Decarbonisation Solutions: Bioenergy Europe at Argus Europe Carbon Conference

Advancing Decarbonisation Solutions: Bioenergy Europe at Argus Europe Carbon Conference
21-23 May, Nice, France


Last week, Bioenergy Europe participated in the Argus Europe Carbon Conference in Nice, France. The event brings all market-driven decarbonisation solutions together in one place. Over three days of intense and engaging discussions, the conference focused on carbon markets, emissions, and the latest decarbonisation technologies.


This year’s agenda covered key topics including the impact of Europe’s exported carbon price through CBAM and its significance for businesses trading with the EU, voluntary certification methods by ICVCM and VCMI, and developments around diverse, high-quality credits from Verra and many other leading standards. Bioenergy Europe’s Policy Officer Ennio Prizzi, joined the session on CCUS together with Fe Bush, BECCS Business Development Lead at Drax, and Nicola de Sanctis, Editor at Argus. The panel delved into key topics related to carbon removals in the EU context:


• The current policy scenario around Carbon Dioxide Removals and the EU’s role in building confidence in high integrity carbon removals.


• The challenges in setting large scale CCS projects, like Drax BECCS ones, and how companies can engage with customers to support them on their decarbonisation journeys.


• How to ensure the setting of specific quantitative targets for different technological carbon removals covering the next three decades while enhancing the use of bioenergy and BECCS in hard-to-abate sectors.


The conference was filled with high-quality discussions and valuable insights into the current carbon-market landscape. It provided an excellent opportunity to unite individuals who are working towards a net zero future.