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Working Group Sustainability: all the latest news on REDIII

Working Group Sustainability: all the latest news on REDIII

Working Group Sustainability: all the latest news on REDIII

Last week, Bioenergy Europe hosted an ad hoc meeting of its Sustainability Working Group, gathering members to discuss the latest developments on the Renewable Energy Directive (REDIII) implementation at national level, focusing in particular on the transposition of the provisions regarding the cascading principle and industrial grade roundwood. The meeting was also an opportunity to explore the interconnections between EU ETS and REDIII, highlighting the possible impact of the revisions on the bioenergy sector.  


Bioenergy Europe members across the EU discussed the status of national implementation of REDIII. This is a key moment considering the upcoming deadline of 21st May 2025 when Member States are supposed to implement the Directive in national laws. However, as has been the case in the past, the transposition process is not so smooth. For example, given the new political electoral term, a delay is anticipated in Germany. On the other hand, the national authorities in Denmark seem more prepared.  


Clear information is crucial to allow bioenergy operators, traders and the entire supply chain to navigate the evolving European framework. As national associations and companies continue to address challenges and opportunities posed by European legislations, Bioenergy Europe’s Working Groups remain a key platform for supporting the sector in adapting to regulatory changes and advocating for clarity from European and national lawmakers. 


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