Bioenergy Europe Welcomes ENplus® recognition by the European Cooperation for Accreditation (EA)
Bioenergy Europe is proud to announce that the world-leading certification scheme for wood pellet quality, ENplus® has received recognition from the European Cooperation for Accreditation (EA). The ENplus® scheme has successfully passed the acceptance verification for accreditation by EA according to the requirements of the document EA 1/22 A-AB 2023 “EA procedure and criteria for the evaluation of conformity assessment schemes by EA accreditation body members”.
Accreditation is a third-party, impartial and independent process for assessing whether an organization is competent to perform specific tests, inspections, measurements and certifications. It instils trust in certificates and conformity attestations, ensuring the quality of results through traceability, comparability, validity, and commutability.
Accreditation is the result of an objective, transparent and effective assessment that is carried out impartially and uses highly professional competent assessors and technical experts in the respective field.
ACCREDIA was the National accreditation body who conducted the assessment of ENplus® by collecting comments and feedback from all National Accreditation bodies, members of the European Cooperation for Accreditation (EA).
As a result of the recognition, all certification bodies listed by ENplus® will now be accredited specifically to the ENplus® standard, rather than to a general pellet ISO standard as they were previously. This once again highlights the scheme’s key role in the pellet market.