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Terms and Conditions


Bioenergy Europe offers 2 categories of membership affiliation: Full Members (FM) and Associated Members (AM).

Full members

Full member affiliation is open to all national bioenergy and renewable energy associations:


  • Cover a whole country and be based in Europe (Russia and Turkey eligible if association is based on the European side)
  • Address bioenergy globally, including the various feedstocks, technologies and end uses
  • Objectives should include market development, advocacy and communication
  • Membership should be representative of the bioenergy sector in the country

There can be more than one FM per country.

The Bioenergy Europe Board of Directors reserves the right to apply a transition period for new members from AM to FM.

Associated members

Associated Member affiliation is open to all organisations that are not eligible to become full members:

  • Sectorial associations (pellet, biogas, miscanthus, etc.)
  • Companies
  • Research centres
  • Universities
  • Consultancy firms
  • Government institutions

The membership categories and criteria is decided on by the Bioenergy Europe Board of Directors.


1. Applications for membership must be submitted to the Bioenergy Europe Secretariat via our online application form.

2. The online application form must be completed with the requested information. The Business Development and Membership Department of Bioenergy Europe may request for clarifications of certain aspects of the application form before considering it eligible for the next steps.

3. All eligible application forms are submitted for approval to the Bioenergy Europe Board.

4. The admission of new members is subject to a majority decision of the Bioenergy Europe Board. The Board may request for additional clarifications before reaching a decision.

5. Bioenergy Europe reserves a right not to approve the application for membership without further explanation.

6. Accepted members shall be notified by the Bioenergy Europe Secretariat within maximum 30 days after the board’s decision.

7. The effective date of affiliation is the date of payment of the first membership fee invoice.

8. A member shall only enjoy its membership rights if its membership fees have been paid in full and in due time.

Membership Fees - 2025

1. Associations

All national bioenergy, renewable energy, pellet or sectorial associations.

A2 – All national renewable energy associations (=Full Members).
A3 – All national pellet associations.

4 % of total membership fees related to bioenergy
with a minimum of 1,283 EUR and a maximum of 12,835 EUR

2. Companies

All companies willing to support the work of Bioenergy Europe in the bioenergy sector.

C1 – Companies with a bioenergy turnover < 5 Million €1,283 €
C2 – Companies with a bioenergy turnover < 25 Million €2,567 €
C3 – Companies with a bioenergy turnover < 50 Million €5,134 €
C4 – Companies with a bioenergy turnover < 100 Million €10,268 €
C5 – Companies with a bioenergy turnover > 100 Million €20,535 €

3. Academic and Research Institutions

All universities and research institutions.

Flat rate1,283 €

* Displayed fees are VAT excluded.

** Starting in 2018, the fees will be indexed based on the Belgian Index, including the minimum and maximum.

  1. The annual membership fee of each member will be based on the most recent data available regarding its bioenergy turnover or membership fees.
  2. The membership year runs from January 1st to December 31st of each year.
  3. Membership fees are due annually at the beginning of each membership year and are payable upon presentation of the membership fee invoice.
  4. Membership fees are due in one payment for each membership year and cannot be claimed back in the case of membership termination during the year.
  5. Any application invoiced before June 30th of the financial year implies full payment of the membership fees. Any application invoiced after the 30th of June of the financial year will imply the payment of 50% of the membership fees.

Membership rights and obligations

1. Members who have paid their membership fees will be entitled to participate in and exercise their full membership rights.

2. Each Bioenergy Europe member shall:

a) Act in a manner compatible with the purpose, aims and values of Bioenergy Europe.

b) Keep the relevant departments and persons within your organisation fully informed of the work and progress made by Bioenergy Europe.

c) Keep Bioenergy Europe informed of any major changes within your organisation. In the case that your organisation’s primary point of contact changes, please inform Bioenergy Europe within a reasonable time. It is mandatory that Bioenergy Europe has the correct e-mail addresses of the persons registered on the application form.

d) Upon request, please inform Bioenergy Europe every year in a faithful manner about annual turnover, membership fees and production capacity in view of determining the membership category and the amount of the membership fees. Answers and feedback will be provided thirty days following such notification.

e) Provide the correct general information about your organisation. This information will be used for the Bioenergy Europe member’s directory.

f) Respect the guidelines for compliance with the requirements of applicable EU and national competition laws.

3. Members that have not paid their annual membership fees will not be able to exercise their membership rights, notwithstanding their automatic exclusion in case of failure to pay after a fifteen day notice period.

Termination of membership

1. Membership is automatically renewed every year. Any member may resign and terminate their membership at any time before October 1st by completing the online termination form in order for the resignation to take effect at the end of the same financial year.

2. Upon termination of membership, all membership rights will immediately and automatically cease, without prejudice to the obligation of the terminated member to pay any unpaid membership fees.

3. Membership fees that have not been paid remain due in full for the membership year in which the termination of membership (e.g. as a result of resignation or exclusion) occurred.

4. Membership fees already paid cannot be claimed back and will not be reimbursed, irrespective of the date of termination.

5. According to the Art.9 of the Bioenergy Europe Statutes, a member can be excluded from membership by the General Assembly in the following cases:

a) If the organisation fails to pay their membership fees after a 31 day notice period, following reminders of payment.

b) If the General Assembly finds that the member does not act in accordance with the objectives of Bioenergy Europe. Any member can propose the expulsion of another member. The member proposed for expulsion will be informed about the reasons for the proposed expulsion and has the right to explain its position to the General Assembly before the latter takes a decision.

The Bioenergy Europe Board reserves the right to update the Bioenergy Europe By Laws of the Statutes about Membership Terms and Conditions.