The Board of Directors is composed of 18 representatives and performs the following functions:
Elect the Vice-President among its members.
Elect the Core-Group
Prepare the decisions of the General Assembly based on the advice of the Core group.
Approve new members.
Christoph Pfemeter (President)
Austrian Biomass Association
Hannes Tuohiniitty (Vice President)
Bioenergia RY
Gordon Murray
WPAC - Wood Pellet Association of Canada
Vanessa Gallo
FIPER - Italian Federation of Energy Producers from Renewable Sources
Jan Habart
CZ BIOM - Czech Biomass Association
Didzis Palejs
LATBIO - Latvian Biomass Association
Herbert Ortner
Myrsini Christou
HELLABIOM - Hellenic Biomass Association
Georgii Geletukha
UABio - Ukrainian Bioenergy Association
Henrik Brodin
SVEBIO - Swedish Biomass Association
Morten Hultberg Buchgreitz
CM Biomass
Katarzyna (Kasia) Wilk
Drax Group
Andrew Georgiou
USIPA - US Industrial Pellet Association
Pablo Rodero Masdemont
AVEBIOM - Spanish Biomass Association
Gerolf Bücheler
BBE - German Bioenergy Association
General Assembly
Core Group
The Core Group is made of maximum 5 persons including Bioenergy Europe’s President/Vice-President and has the following functions:
Prepare the decisions of the Board of Directors;
Discuss all strategic files on a daily basis.
General Assembly
The General Assembly is made of all members and has the following functions:
Examine and approve the annual report presented by the Board of Directors;
Examine and approve the accounts, balance sheets, and budget;
Elect one or more auditors from the members who report to the General Assembly on the financial accountability over the previous period;
Determine membership fees on proposal of the Board of Directors;
Approve and comment on the activities of the Board of Directors as well as decide on any activity of Bioenergy Europe;
Elect a President among all the members
Elect up to 17 additional members for the Board of Directors for a 2 years mandate;
Decide about modifications of the Statutes and about the dissolution of Bioenergy Europe.
Become a member
Members of Bioenergy Europe benefit from a wide range of services and advantages, from representation towards EU decision makers to knowledge sharing, unparalleled networking opportunities and a framework to discuss and steer market dynamics specific to different sectors involved.